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Click on an issue to learn more about Belia's accomplishments during her first term and goals for her next term.

  • Reducing Traffic Congestion
    Belia has worked to implement policies and projects aimed toward relieving traffic congestion, maintaining roads and improving the safety of both drivers and pedestrians. She will continue to leverage relationships with regional and state leaders to secure much-needed transportation funding and fight for higher-paying local jobs so that local residents don’t have to commute long distances to work every day. Achievements Advanced the construction of the Soscol Junction Project and Hwy 29 improvements. Reduced the speed limits and prioritized road rehabilitation in Coombsville, specifically the repaving of First Avenue in the Summer of 2023. Successfully advocated for road improvements on American Canyon Road. Supported the long overdue maintenance of county roads, such as North Avenue and Third Avenue with more to come. Goals Complete the Newell Road extension from Donaldson Way to Paoli Loop. Continue to work with other jurisdictions to create joint projects, leveraging assets and providing cross-training opportunities. Adopt a Countywide Traffic Impact Fee program based on trips per day.
  • Providing Affordable Housing
    Throughout her first term as Supervisor, Belia has fought to ensure housing in District 5 is accessible for everyone by supporting investment in affordable units and programs helping lower-income families secure housing. She has worked to balance the need for affordable housing with protections for our natural areas, wildlife habitat and agricultural lands. Achievements Enhanced funding for Napa County’s Workforce Proximity Program. Created the first Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) forgivable loan program in the Country. Identified and sold surplus County land to a developer committed to the creation of affordable and workforce housing. Re-Elected Vice President of ABAG, Association of Bay Area Governments — responsible for regional planning. Goals Work with the agricultural community to identify and create additional farmworker housing communities specifically for families. Fund affordable housing development within the cities and towns, leveraging both housing impact fee funds and Measure I funds (reserved for housing). Collaborate with the State of California to zone non-Open Space appropriate lands for affordable housing. Negotiate the purchase of the “Reentry Facility” to serve as our Winter Shelter.
  • Emergency Preparedness, Disaster Recovery and Public Safety
    Supervisor Belia Ramos has been there for us in our greatest time of need. From the October 2017 wildfires, the multiple fires of 2020, floods and the pandemic, Ramos advocated for all Napa County residents at the state and national level to support victims and ensure Napa Valley is prepared for emergency events. Achievements Opened a new fire station in rural Napa County. Prioritized aerial firefighting and invested in fire suppression apparatus. Ensured equitable access to public health resources during the pandemic. Served (and continues to serve) as the Board Liaison to the Fire Services Advisory Committee working directly with our volunteer and career firefighters on policies and procedures. Enhanced community emergency preparedness through education, public events and neighborhood watch. Began constructing Napa County’s Replacement Correctional Facility. Goals Identify reliable funding and oversight for fire mitigation, preparedness and suppression. Enhance advanced life support and ambulance service in the South County and rural areas of Napa County. Integrate and enhance fire suppression services through cooperative agreements and volunteer integration.
  • Protecting Our Environment and Combatting Climate Change
    Belia understands that the choices we make today will have a lasting impact on our future, which is why she has led local efforts to promote sustainable practices. Climate change is already impacting our Napa County communities, with larger and more-intense fires and flooding. Belia led our community through the October 2017 fires and she will continue to fight to ensure we are prepared and resilient for natural disasters that may come. Achievements Created and served on Napa County Groundwater Sustainability Agency to focus on the sustainability of our water resources. Approved Napa County going “Deep Green” – committing to run County buildings entirely on green energy. Approved two commercial renewable energy site, working with residents to ensure the community’s concerns were addressed. Attended the Inaugural Napa Climate Summit. Identified funding for the purchase of Skyline Park. Goals Create infrastructure policies to support modes of transportation that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Adopt a Regional Climate Action plan with all municipalities. Support the incorporation of housing in developments to ensure residents can live where they work. Develop a community conservation plan to provide certainty in planning and necessary motivations while maximizing benefits for natural resource conservation.
  • Preserving Our Quality of Life
    Through smart fiscal leadership, Belia has successfully maintained vital public services while balancing the county budget. Belia’s record shows she has the experience, dedication and vision to tackle the issues ahead and will remain the accessible, hardworking leader who can bring innovative new ideas to our county. Achievements Balanced a $668 million budget for 2023-24, successfully bringing vital services to residents and moving forward with deferred maintenance projects. Utilized one-time ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) dollars to invest in workforce housing, public health, infrastructure and childcare capacity. Elevated Napa County as a welcoming place for all residents through PRIDE events, declaring Juneteenth as a holiday and condemning the AAPI hateful conduct. Enhanced mental health funding to nonprofits to ensure that all residents have access to quality behavioral health services. Expanded Napa County’s first Crisis Stabilization Center to address critical and life-threatening mental health needs of our residents. Actively supported Drug Court — an alternative sentencing path that provides wrap-around services for participants with few sentencing alternatives. Continuously collaborated with our Community Leaders coalition to enhance our voting options in this new era of Vote-by-Mail. Goals Work towards another balanced budget without compromising vital county services. Remain accessible to the community and continue to listen to the concerns of her constituents. Continue to work with residents and all stakeholders to ensure that we continue to create a thriving community.
  • Promoting Economic Development & Job Creation
    Supervisor Belia Ramos believes a thriving local economy is essential to maintaining a high quality of life in Napa Valley. She has supported projects to improve local recreational facilities and promote local businesses. She also knows that if we invest in well-paying local jobs close to home, we can help combat the effects of traffic congestion and carbon emissions. Residents should spend less time stuck in traffic and more time with family and friends. Achievements Fiercely advocated for a transparent process, which resulted in the selection of two Fixed Based Operators at Napa County Airport, which will result in over $120 million in investment in our County. Supported Napa County’s acquisition of Lake Berryessa under a management agreement to embrace recreational and destination activities. Facilitated dozens of businesses in maneuvering the development within the Airport Industrial Area which requires multiple agency approvals. Goals Advocated for a fair and just cost of living increase for our represented employees, so our employees can afford to live where they work. Use her position on the regional council of local governments to remain on the frontlines advocating for the balance between job creation, housing demands, transportation improvements and our rural county nature.
  • Supporting Our Thriving Agricultural Roots And Future
    Having grown up in the middle of 20 acres of vineyards on the valley floor, Belia understands the direct relationship agriculture plays in our community’s economic prosperity. The daughter of a farmworker, Belia continuously spends time in the vineyards with her father and uses that knowledge to inform the balance between a thriving economy, climate change impacts and the additional regulation affecting Napa County’s world-renowned industry. As a mother and president of Napa County 4-H, Belia is personally invested in our youth today that we will depend on being the farmers of tomorrow. This personal experience of crops and livestock uniquely positions Belia on the Board of Supervisors to bring firsthand knowledge to the discussion. Achievements: Ensuring maximum local interpretation in Road and Street Standards revisions with recognition of agricultural roads Supported agricultural experts on the Ground Water Sustainability Plan Advisory Committee and the Technical Advisory Group Supported the beginning of the General Plan Revision process to ensure thoughtful preparation and maximum stakeholder input. Supported data-informed regulations through continued water monitoring in the Milliken-Sarco Tullocay (MST) subarea. Prioritized common sense approach to continued state regulation. Goals for Next Term: Prioritize reasoned policies that ensure a sustainable path for our agricultural future. Complete a comprehensive General Plan update with meaningful recognition of agricultural land designations and balancing regulatory limitations. Proactively pursue climate-resilient policies that embrace agricultural and natural resource sustainability.
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